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Rugby Tip of the Month – At Home Strength Exercises, Part 2

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Looking towards hopefully being able to get out on a field at the end of the summer or maybe fall, focusing on your strength and fitness right now is a great way to set measurable and achievable goals. Special Guest Justin Goonan, Universal Sports Strength & Conditioning, joins us again with videos of exercises you can do at home to stay fit during the pandemic.  Check out more videos below.

PUSH-UP VARIATIONS: Here’s an easy adjustment to a classic movement that can help with Lineout Lifting, even if you only have body weight available. 

Sets and reps for either push-up version (Push Back or Pike Push-ups) should be similar to regular push-ups. Start with something basic (ex. 3 sets of 10), then you can progress up or down as needed. Be careful not to force it too much as some individuals may struggle with shoulder mobility while others may have difficulty maintaining the correct body position for the full duration.

Not sure how to include these exercises into your routine? Curious how to modify or maximize them to fit your ability?  Send Coach Goonanan email at with “PUSH-UPS” in the subject line, or connect with him on Instagram (@universalsportstrength and Facebook @UniversalSportsStrength). 

Looking for more connection or accountability? Coach Goonan is hosting a virtual team huddle this week to connect with more athletes. It’s a chance to ask questions about your current routine, learn ways to progress your current workouts, and connect with other athletes. Send an email with “Virtual Team Huddle” in the subject line to receive log-in details.


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